Welcome to the web-page of the research project “Croatian Renaissance Aristotelianism – A New Era in Thinking the Past” (CRANEtp), funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (IP-2018-01-4966) from 1 December 2018 to 30 May 2023!

December 2023: Nicolaus Viti Gozzius: In primum librum Artis rhetoricorum Aristotelis commentaria: Uses of Aristotle’s Rhetoric in the Late Renaissance, by Gorana Stepanić i Pavel Gregorić (Leiden: Brill, 2023) [link]

April 2023 – book manuscript Renaissance Aristotelianism in Southeast Europe: Scholarship, Metaphysics, and Interactions with Platonism, edited by Pavel Gregorić and Martino Rossi Monti, accepted for publication (London: Bloomsbury, 2024). [contents]

March 2023. – book manuscript Nicolaus Viti Gozzius: Breve compendium in duo prima capita tertii De anima Aristotelis. A Critical Edition with Introduction and Indices, edited by Šime Demo i Pavel Gregorić, accepted for publication (Turnhout: Brepols, 2024). [contents]

January 2023 – Ivana Skuhala Karasman. “Nikola Vitkov Gučetić i njegov kulturni krug”, Obnovljeni život 78/1 (2023), 93-103. [pdf]

23 and 24 September 2022 – international conference “Renaissance Aristotelianism in Southeast Europe” was held in Zagreb. Keynote speakers were Prof. Paul Richard Blum (Loyola University/University of Olomouc) and Prof. Craig Martin (University of Venice). [Programme] [Abstracts]

July 2022 – Pavel Gregorić and Dora Ivanišević (eds.), Aristotel: Metafizika XII – Antun Medo: Tumačenje dvanaeste knjige Aristotelove Metafizike (Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju, 2022). [Edition, translation and commentary of Aristotle’s Metaphysics XII and of Antonius Medus’ In librum duodecimum Metaphysicae Aristotelis expositio (Venetiis, 1598).]

June 2022 – Pavel Gregorić and Dora Ivanišević (eds.), Porfirije: Uvod (Predikabilije) – Antun Medo: Neke primjedbe o Porfirijevim Predikabilijama (Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju, 2022). [Edition, translation and commentary of Porphyry’s Isagoge and of Antonius Medus’ Animadversiones in Preaedicabilia Porphyrii (Venetiis, 1600).]

5 March 2022 – Ivana Skuhala Karasman, “Matija Frkić o intelektu i besmrtnosti duše”, Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 47/1(93) (2021), str. 33–46. [pdf]

15 February 2022 – Martino Rossi Monti, “Un altro giro. Meteorologia e teorie dell’eterno ritorno tra Medioevo e Rinascimento”, Bruniana&Campanelliana 27 (2021), 99-116.

8 December 2021 – two on-line lectures were given on meteorology in Renaissance philosophy, by Prof. Roberto Bondi from the University of Calabria (“Comete, arcobaleni, maree. I ‘Meteorologica’ di Aristotele secondo Telesio”), and Dr. Martino Rossi Monti from the Institute of Philosophy (“Un altro giro. Meteorologia ed eterno ritorno tra Medioevo e Rinascimento”).

19 November 2021 – an international workshop on linguistic features of Renaissance Latin texts took place at the Institute of Philosophy (Zagreb, Croatia), with on-line participation via MS Teams. The main speaker at the workshop was Marianne Pade, Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Aarhus (Denmark).

20 April 2021 – Gorana Stepanić, “Nikola Vitov Gučetić (1549 – 1610): Hands and Manuscripts”, Collquia Maruliana 30 (2021), 243-257. English abstract

11 May 2020 – Martino Rossi Monti, “Paulus Scalichius His thought, sources, and fortune”, Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 45/2 (2019), 339-382. 

4 February 2020 — Encyclopedia entry “Croatian Renaissance Philosophy“, written by Luka Boršić, Ivana Skuhala Karasman and Pavel Gregorić is published in the Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy (ed. Marco Sgarbi, Springer Verlag) . The manuscript of the entry, in the version accepted for publication, can be accessed here.

17 December 2019 — Pavel Gregorić and Ivana Skuhala Karasman gave a talk “Nikola Vitov Gučetić between Platonism and Aristotelianism” in the series of colloquia of the Institute of Philosophy. 

3-17 June 2019 — Exhibition on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of Matija Frkić’s death (1583 – 1669) in the Library of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Zagreb